The Cranberries - Tomorrow (Could Be Too Late)

sábado, 18 de junio de 2011

Durante su presentación de hoy en el London Feis, The Cranberries estrenaron 'Tomorrow (Could Be Too Late)', una de las canciones que la banda grabó durante las sesiones de Roses.

Beto nos hizo el favor de hacerle algunos ajustes a la única grabación que tenemos en este momento para su mejor apreciación. Pueden descargarla aquí:

Por otro lado, Paul M se dió a la tarea de sacar la letra de la canción. Probablemente tenga algún error, pero es lo más acertado hasta ahora.
I think that you're mad
You spend a lot of time in your head
I knew that your're mad
You spend a lot of time in your head

If you could come away with me
You could come away with me
If only you had some faith in me

Tomorrow could be too late
I wish I could change that date
Tomorrow could be too late
If only you had some faith

Too young, too proud, too foolish, foolish
Too young, too proud, too foolish

You ask a lot of questions
You have too much time on your hands
To hell with conclusions
Why should we wait so many times?

So you should come away with me
You should come away with me
You should have some faith in me

Tomorrow could be too late
I wish I could change that date
Tomorrow could be too late
If only you had some faith

Too young, too proud, too foolish, foolish
Too young, too proud, too foolish

So great
I wish I could change that day
Tomorrow could be so great
If only you had some faith
Tomorrow could be so great
I wish I could change that date
Tomorrow could be so great
If only you had some fatih
Aún no estamos seguros de cual es el título oficial del track. Dolores presentó la canción como 'Tomorrow (Could Be Too Late)', pero en el sitio oficial figura solo como 'Tomorrow'.

Actualización: Ya hay mejores videos de la nueva canción! Gracias a Khouiche por esta grabación:

Gracias a Beto por el archivo
y a Paul M por la letra.

1 comentarios:

Não Sim 19 de junio de 2011, 11:03  

- I wish I could change that date

- Too young, TOO PROUD, too folish

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